Share your thoughts about how posing questions before, during, and after reading help us with a deeper understanding. Think of examples when you used the questioning strategy and how it helped with your thinking process.
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A question will be asked once a month on different literacy elements. We are looking forward to seeing the strong conversations that will be taking place!
Holly Ringo, Literacy Coach
Bethany Blake, LMS
This will be a safe site that you can feel free to share appropriate comments with your friends and teachers here at Centerfield.
A question will be asked once a month on different literacy elements. We are looking forward to seeing the strong conversations that will be taking place!
Holly Ringo, Literacy Coach
Bethany Blake, LMS
Friday, February 1, 2008
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Questioning is one of the best strategies you can use. It is especially helpful when you find the answer to your question. When you find an answer to a question it helps you get a much better concept of what is happening. For example in the book I am reading, DOUBLE IDENTITY, if you questioned "what is a clone" you could question that and maybe look it up in the dictionary so you would understand what the main character, Bethany was talking about. This is why questioning is helpful when you read.
Questioning helps you because, if you dont question you could find good info but you didint question it so you didint notice it. Questioning also helps so if you are doing a book report you can add that in also.
I agree with bcb5 said. Now that I think about it questioning does help you find good info. When I question I find out all of the answer and sometimes learn more about my question than I needed.
Questioning is one of the metacognitive strategies you can use. When you question something you know you are comprehending, not just reading a bunch of words.
Mrs.Willinger asks us to write a question we had in our reading log so she knows we are using our metacognition.
Questioning can help you learn more about the book your reading. If you ask a question and like hmp5 said, find the answer, it would help you to understand the book better because you answered the question you had. Questioning can also be for your own opinion, you can ask yourself "What would I do?" or "I wonder what would happen if he hadn't done that?". It can help you think about the book more.
You can question a phrase or a word and find the answer, but when you question why something happened in the book you just have to keep reading to find out.When you have to keep reading to find out, the author keeps you hooked. For example if the main character ran away you might question "why did they run away?" you would have to keep reading to find out.
When you question you also use *schema*. For example you might question why something in your book happened, such as a dog running away. if the dog ran away you could use your schema about dogs. You could also use context clues. For example if it said a date when the dog ran away you could see if it was close to Fourth of July you could use your schema and know that there is fireworks on the Fourth of July, so the dog probably ran away because it got scared of the fireworks and ran away.
Questioning is one of the best strategies to use, it is also one of your Metacognative stratagies I think questionaing helps to understand a question that you don't get like for an example in social studies when I don't get something about the Revolutionary War i ask a question and Mrs.K will help me to understand it better.
Another example is when i read a book and don't understand what they are doing questionaing really helps me. I think when i use questioning me a hole lot smarter.
You are so right about using shcema when you use questioning! I never thought about that!! You also have really great answers!
So how das questioning help you, how das it help you under stand better and what kinds of questions do you ask your self?
How questioning helps is it makes you understand the book when you question about the characters or what is going on in the book. Like if you get confused about something you can question yourself about it and try to think. I find myself questoning more after the bookbecause i ask is there going to be another book or what happend to the main character.
My thoughts before reading is to read the back of the book and make a prediction of whats goingto happen next. I also like to ask my self about what happened where I lefft off. After I have read the book I tell my mom or somebody in the house what happened. Questioning helps me understand what I'm reading better.
Questioning helps me because it helps you better understand the storie more by questioning.
Queationing can help you understandbecause, if you read something that confuses you, then you need to ask questions. When you ask questions, and someone answers them, that can help you understand better. For example, when our class read a Paul Revere poem, it confused lots of people. So, we had to ask Mrs.K lots of questions. I also remember asking Mrs.K about the book I read for my Newbery Book Report. I asked her about how the community is run in the book.
How questioning helps me before, during, and after reading a book is that reading gets me more interested in what I am reading. An example would be is when I read the book Al Capone Does My Shirts I thought about what the main character Moose was going to do about the situation that he is in. It makes me feel like the book that I am reading is a mystery about bad situations. Also I forgot to add in that I ask questions during the book. Really theonly time I ask questions after the book is when I have questions and their isn't a series of the book.
I use questioning to help me explore my thoughts about the book I was reading. I ask qwestions like in the bool Sammy Keyes and the Hotel theif, sammy lives with her grandmaand my qwstion was why does she live with her grandma insted of her parents? I came up with answers like, maybe her parents are devorced or maybe her parents died in a car accident or something.
another qweschen I aksed was why did the lady that got her money stowlen have so much money in her purse anyway and why did she tell a compete stranger she had so much money in her pures I meen there was 4,000 dollers!
I also aksed what is jaywalking? and why did she give the police her firends address? and why did the police not like sammy?
when I question afterI read ,it helps me because it helps me figure out what is going on in the story or a writing pice I'm reading . I understand it alot bet-ter when I ask question.For example, when I read a Paul Revere poem after, we had to answer some question's and we answered the question I stared to question my self about the poem . Also asking question's helps me after I read because it helps me answer question's my teacher asked me .For ex. a question would be : "what if , why, how could , all those are questiong . A lot of pepole ask question's after reading.
Asking questions helps me.Because when we read a story or poam.I had some questions and I ask Mrs.K or Mrs.Dunn and they explain it for me and I understad better.Alot of people ask questions at the end of what they read.Like.... I wonder,What if,why,I don't understad,and how come.All so asking questions can help in math Because if you don't understad how to get the sum ask the teacher she can explain it better for you so you understad better so you can get a A+ :-).
ya questioning is one of the best stradigeis!It really does help me get more out of it! Questionining
is definetly helpful to me.
but did you thinck of questioning as a way to get information?
i use questioning a lot because it helps me to think about the story also when you ask questions like I wonder what happened to that guy? that will help you a lot when you ask after reading because you all ready know what is going on in the book but before reading is harder because you have know idea what is going on in the story.
wow it really does help you understand the book better when it answers your qwechens!
Posing questions before and after you read help you understand the book better becaust it makes you think of what's going to happen or what happend. Questions make you visualize what's going on in the book.When ylu question yourself it makes you wonder and visualize whats going to happen and by questioning, it helps you predict visualize and think about what is going to happen in the book.
I like what you said about the what if,why,how could,
but did you think of, I wounder?
Questioning helps us because when you don't understand something that you read and you ask, someone always tells you and you under stand the book better. Once, I didn't know what a word meant and how to pronounce it. I asked someone and they told me.That helped me understand thye book better.
Questioning can help everyone's thinking process, because questions help people learnon what they don't know or understand completly.Also if you don't ask questions you won't be very good at important subjects.You could question during reading or after reading.Sometimes you won't realize when you question during reading.I think questions are very helpful.
I would usly first look at any pichers(I am going to us the cover right now.) Think of some question about the cover or picher like what will this book be about or how does this picher realat to the book. So if you want to write them down you can. Then you read the book. After that you look back and see if you can anser them. Good luck!
I was done reading a poem I had alot of questions. So I keept thinking about my questions. I did some rereading and finaly got my anwsers. So questioning helps me get awsners and understanding what I am reading and helps my thinking prose.
Questioning is is a very important strategy. Questioning is when you are really into a book ,and then you start to ask questions. Maybe you think Sally could find snoopy... I mean, don't you remember a time when you asked yourself a question when you were reading a book? Usually you find yourself asking a question and later on it tells you the answer (some authors will just leave you hanging). Well it helps you read sometimes because you want to find the answer in the book which makes you want to read more. One time I was reading a book called THE WESTING GAME. It was a great book. In the book there was a game where you had to figure out who killed Sam Westing. I kept on asking myself who was the killer and it answered it in the end. It made the book so much more interesting since I had an unanswered question
It helps me because I can understand the book,because if I have questions about the book it would make me really comfused.I have questions after reading because I do under what it means or I'm comfused.
Questioning would help you before and after because. When your reading a book and you have no Questions then that book must have been boring. Besides you always question after books weather it is what is i wonder its still a question
Asking questions before, during, and after you read will help you have a deeper understanding of your reading because asking questions makes you think about your book and the text. Questioning is a very important strategy. Without it you would have a hard time understanding your book or what is happening in your book. For example, in book clubs I am constonaly asking questions. Because I ask questions people can answer them and then I have a better understanding of the text. If I didn't ask questions then I wouldn't understand what I was reading. That is why questioning will help you understand your reading.
To TLC. I think you used great detils and miss blake will be under stand your anser and you might win
ansered the ? great but you need more detil and decribtive languge and how does it help you
Questioning helps us understand the text because if you use it before reading you can seeif your questions are answered in the book. It is good to ask during reading because then you can think to yourself about the text and maybe your question could help you visualize what you think is the answer. After reading, questioning helps you remember the text you read because your question could be about a certain part in the text and you will remember that part in the text when you think about the question .An example of a time when I used questioning in my reading was when I read Paul Reveres Midnight Ride. I used questioning for words I didn't know ,and when I got the answer to my question I understood more deeply what the sentence or paragraph was talking about and what it meant.
ansered the ? great but you need more detil and decribtive languge and how does it help you
I have used questioning when I get to a word I don't know. I use questioning to help me figure out the word. I keep reading the sentence over and over again until I have figured it out.
Questioning helps me understand what's happing. Questioning also helps me understand the setting.
I like what you suggested to me about questioning as a way to get information! Questioning does help me get information. in my opinion questioning is the best to use, it is my favorite.
I love the stratigie Questioning. I use it the most because it helps me answer lots of questions I ask myself. Since we have to read every night, it is atomatic to think up a question. You will understand it much better. If you want to read more, sometimes it makes you read more to figure it out. I always enjoy reading and using the stratigies. The questions make you sometimes look up something on the internet. It makes you learn more and read more. Thats why iIlove questions!
You can also question while you are reading, it does not have to be vefore or after. You can question at any time while you are reading a book. There is no certain time.
To hmp
I agree with your viewpoint about saying that that when questioning you do not only use questioning but that you also use schema I also like in your blog answer that for every reason you gave an understandable example which followed into another reason.
to lcb
I think your typed answer could have used some examples and maybe more descriptive words and your answer added with a few more of the things im suggesting mixed with the answer that you already have will make a pretty awesome answer thast is worth winning a prize
to bcb
I like your answer overall but I think you could add a few more examples and have more detailed sentences and that you could add more to your answer instead of havin it only two sentences long
to ame5
I love your description of questioning because it has everything it should have it has reasons, examples, and great descriptive words. I think your comment is a well thought out well written answer and I would give it a 100% and an A+.
Questioning is important because without it you might not understand what you read and you never would because if you can't ask a question you will never get an answer. Most of you probably say," I don't ever ask questions before, after, and while I am reading."
Well, you are, you just don't know you are. If you ever catch yourself saying something like, I wonder..., What if..., or why..., you are actually questioning. For example, in my book, The City of Ember, I caught myself saying, when I put the book down, "Why did Doon get so upset about being a messenger?" I didn't really know at the time that I was questioning , but now that I look back at it I do. So next time you say you never asked a question, think back, because you never know, you may actually have.
I remember when I used questioning in my book RED WALL and it tells a story about a war and when I stop and write a question down it well help me if i read on for the ansure and then i`ll know it. Sometimes the can tell you the ansure and i write my questions during i read.
Questioning helps me before the a lot.It helps me before the book by making predictions about what's going to happen next in the book. It helps me during the book because I can get into the mind of the character and try to guess what the character is going to do next. After the book I like to write a summary about what happened in the story.
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