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A question will be asked once a month on different literacy elements. We are looking forward to seeing the strong conversations that will be taking place!
Holly Ringo, Literacy Coach Bethany Blake, LMS
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Answer the following question below:
1. How will using schema help with your understanding of text that you read in the classroom and for enjoyment?
i think using schma would help me understand the book better then not using schma at all because like if the character is at a pond i would be able to picture the pond because i have one behind my house
How it will help is that when you use your schema it helps by visualising. How it helps by visualizing is that when you visualize you get an idea of what is happening in the book. Another way that schema will help you is by connections. How that will help you is that you know the feeling of the person in the book because is has happened to you.
Schema will help you with reading text because it helps you visualise what your reading, say you read a book about the charecter jumping in the pool for his first time, well remembering your first time jumping in a pool would help you visualize what your reading and describe what your reading.
Schema will help you with reading text because it helps you visualise what your reading, say you read a book about the charecter jumping in the pool for his first time, well remembering your first time jumping in a pool would help you visualize what your reading and describe what your reading.
It helps me because i'm reading the book called Love That Dog and it helps me because it's like a poem and it changes every time and the boy loves playing with his dog because he discribes like your actully their and it discribes what he looks like, what he smells like,and what he feels like and it always reminds me of my dogs and what they do.
Schema helps you with uderstanding because you can relate some how. You might have done that samething or have a connection and even MORE! Having schema can be very helpful when it comes to reading.
It will help you by not only understanding the text better, but you can relate to the characters too. like in my book club i am reading Mixed-Up Files, i realated to the characters better when they were on the bus because i ride the bus so i know what it is like. also you can evven connect the the setting, like if you have been there or heard about theat. thea is how schema helps you in your reading anywere.
Schema helps me to understand my reading because i can comprehind and relate to what is happeing while i read my book. Ithelps me with my metacognition. so when i resd something in my book i can connect and remember when it happened to me or someone i know.
Using schema can help you in many ways,but it all depends on how you can relate to it. If you've experienced something that the character has, you know how they feel, which helps you understand better because you can relate to it. If you were to have no idea what the author was talking about though, you wouldn't easily understand. You can also ask questions, and if you don't know much about the book, they won't be easy to ansmer. I mean, if you don't understand what you're reading, why would you want to read it? So that is why having background knowledge is important.
how schema will help you in your reading is you will be able visualize the scenery and what is hapining in the story.it will also help you because because the story would be less confusing because understand more of the story. you could also predict the story eisier because you would have some back round knoledge.
I think schema will help me in visualizing alot because visualizing is the only one I have trouble with because when I use schema. I get most of the other ones done faster and I don't get pictures in my head easliy. It also helps me read Niagara Falls or Does It? Because I get stuck on words I try to get a picture in my head to understand and get pass all the words I get stuck on.
Schema will help you visualize, ask questions and connect to the book. For example I have 3 dogs so if I was to read a book about dogs I would be able to connect to the book. In other words I would have some backgound knowledge.
Schema is importan because if you can connect to what is going on you well understand it better. Like when we read bookclup I can ask questions,infering,inportanec, and connecting. These will help me so when i go read I can understand how he/her is feeling or what is going on!!!
It helps me because I can picture what the book wants me to picture. It reminds me of sometimes that mite relate to the book. Because like say in the book said someone is wearing a witch costume and you mite have worn a witch costume for halloween and it would relate to the book.
how does schema help is , you can remeber things good and you make connections inferre and ask quetions and you'll say these things like I know I remeber and I have a connection
I think schema will help you in all of your subjects ,becase when you come upon something why your reading,that you have heard of or something you rember or something you know about already.you also colud have a conniection to.you should try to use schema alot ,because it will help you alot .Rember you always can write or jot stuff down that you like or rember . just rember sujutions down.so use schema .I promise it will help you alot in every suject. MLF5
Schema helps us read by helping us think or connect to the book that they are reading . It also helps people visualize what happened in their life and what is happenning in their book aswell.
I think using schema will help you understand the text, and what your reading because it helps you make the book more understanding to the reader. Also it helps you to feel like your in the boo, and you've been in the same problem. A 3rd reason why schema can help you is it gives you background knowleged, and also schma can help you visulize what's going on. The 4th reason why schema is so important because it can help you question of what your reading, and if your trying to answer a question, also it can help you if you don't understand the qestion. Finnaly, schema is important bexause it helps a lot for you to know what the book is about.
Schema is important because it will help you with understanding what you are reading. It could also help you with your metacognative strategies, because if you are reading a book about baseball and you have played baseball before you have some background knowledge about baseball already, and you could have connections to the book, and you could also predict what's going to happen, you can visualize what is happening, and you can infer what the character is thinking. That is why schema is important.
I think schema helps me visualize. So I can remember really nice things that happened to me and it is a great way to enjoy a book and swim in a sea of memorys. Like when I think of flowers I remeber the wedding flowers my mom used.
Schema helps me to conect and visualize tings in a story. I can use schema to conect to Sammys friend Marissa in the book Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Theif, Marissas little brother ran away from her in the mall. Marissa got really woried! I've never lost my brothers because I only babysit at home but if nolan or lucas ran away I would be woried! It helps me to understand how Marissa felt, because when you babysit your responsible for what happens. I also can use schema in the book im reading for my newberry award book report its called A Wrinkle In Time, Charles Walles was explaining to meg what a tessract is.he said the first demention was a line. when he said that I remembered the GEO Dictionary that we did at school so with that it was easyer to understand what he was talking about.I got a picher in my head of a line from my GEO Dictionary. (he explained further) so schema helped me twice to conect, understand, and visulize.
After reading these answers about schema, I really think that our class is using their metacognitive strategies to their fullest. I am very proud that they are able to express their thinking so clearly.
Say you read Old Yeller and at the end of that book they haveto shoot there dog you could relate to that by going back and thinking have one of your dogs died before if so you good know how that family felt so thats why knowing schema will help feelings and ajoyment
schema is your backround or prior knowledge so if you were reading a book about someones first time of shoting a gun and you havent had that experience or feeling you know what it felt like he did or someone feltbad because they hit their brother or sister because u didnt have that feeling or experence
Well I think schema helps me because if I read a book and it says"it's my first day I'm scared".Then I would know how they feel because I use my schema.And thats what I think schema.
Schema helps me connect to the book when i know how they feel or what they have just done, like in the book that i am reading LOSER i can connect to the kid that they all call a loser. I can connect because i have read another book just like that,it has a kid that has the same problem.
when I hear the word schema I think about backround knolege on a book or movie for example in my book Julie Of The Wolves it is about a girl who ran a way from her home in Sanfrancisco and went to Alaska in serch of a pen pal instead of finding her way she gets lost in the woods of Alaska whith no food no cumpas just her and her serviving skill she was tought by her family. soon she finds herself exepted by a pack of wolves. This is a very hard book for me to understand because I have never been to Alaska, exepted by a pack of wolves, or ran a way frome home that is what scema means to me.
If you don't have backgrond knowledge or schema then you will have trouble with visualzing, questions,tnferring,predicting and connecting.But if you do have backgouround knowalge you would not have as many question because schema helps you on visulazing,question,predicting,inferring and connecting
Schema is background knowledge. have you ever read a book and say in your mind;"hey, I've felt that emotion before."? or maybe "hey, I've been lost before too. It was at... That's background knowledge. You've felt that or seen that or been there or maybe even that's happened to you before. If you can relate to that or make a connection then you have background knowledge or schema!
We need schema or we would not have any bakeground knowlege. Say you were reading a book about someone getting lost, but you never got lost. It would be hard to use meiadicogntive thinking. Say you read this book but you had schema of being lost. Then you can use meiadicognitive thinking easy.
Schema can help you with text because if your reading a book that reminds you of something you can relate to it will help you read better because you could probably vizualize it and know what it looks like. For example, if your book is talking about seeing a funny movie at the movie theater then if you use your schema you could maybe connect to a time when you saw a funny movie and you could picture it in your head what it looks like. So schema will effect your reading so you can vizualize it and you will probably understand it better.
Using schema will help you understand what you read because schema is you background knowledge. For example, in my book club book the kids in the story are going to a museum. I have schema about that because when I went to Washington D.C. I wnt to a lot of museums. Because of that I know what it is like to walk from room to room and how you have to act. If you don't have schema about what you read then you aren't going to know much about whatis happening in the story. Schema is like connecting. If you are reading a book about two kids who go to the movies and you say you can connect to that because you have been to the movies before then you have schema about the movies. That is why schema will help you understand what is happening and you can relate to it.
Useing schema helpes by having good background knowledge. So you relate to your book or understand your text books, so you know what is going on in books that you read. Like in my book club book we are reading Loser, the first chapters are about hi first day of first grade, so if you have never been to first to first grade you can not relate to it that is how useing schema helps me.
Having schema, or background knowledge, can help you relate to a book because you can visualize what is happening, or predict what is going to happen next if it has happened to you before, or you have read a book on that subject, or read another book by that author before. For example, I am reading a book called Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry,and it is about a colored family who is mistreated, and I have read another book on the same subject, so I can understand what is going on and predict what is going to happen next in my book better because I have schema on that subject, it also makes it easier to comprehend. Also, if someone were to ask me questions about that subject I would have enough schema to tell them all about that subject so that they can understand what happens, or happened. That is how schema can help you, and make it easier to read.
Hey, ast5 I thout your awnser was realy good. But have you ever thout of an example? You must have an example like a text to text connection,text to world, and text to self. If you dont your awnser was realy awsome!!
Hi, j.m.h.5, That was a cool awnser only cant you use schema for something els like asking questions and predicting? Other than that your connection was realy good!!
To me reading without schema is the most boring thing in the world. Who wants to read a book they can't relate too or understand? For example, in the book The Power of Un by Nancy Etchemendy Gib Finney has an annoying little sister named Roxey.If someone is an only child reading this book they might not understand the feeling of haveing a little brother or sister pester them.they woulden't be abl to relate, connect, infer, predict, determin importance, or even visualiz how Gib feels. If someone does have a younger brother/sister they would have some background knoledge (schema). They would know how to relate to Gib.They would be using their schema to understand the text.That is how important schema is for something as little as an older brother irritated with a younger sister. For anouther example,In History Alive! It tells the reader all about America's history. If people reding this text book don't have the least bit of schema about America's hitory they won't have an idea of what they're reading and will have a hard time learning. Someone who dose know a little bit of America's past will have the background knoledge the need to understand this text book.As you see schema is very, very, very impotant when it comes to reading.
The way schema would help with understanding of text is that if you have schema you can personally connectto the book,for example in the book A Wrinkle In Time it helped me to connect to when Meg was in the dark chamber with her father and she could not see anything. The way I could connect to that was when I had once woken up in the middle of the night and I wasn't able to see anything. Schema helped me to personally visualize and connect to that point in the book. But, if I hadn't of had that background knowledge I wouldn't of been able to visualize or connect to that part in the book because I wouldn't of understood how Meg felt or what it would of looked like. So being able to connect to that helped me get better at using my schema more and more because now when I read over something I can connect to a lightbulb goes off in my head saying "I can connect to that" Or while I'm reading I will start to visualize it when it happened to me. So, that is how I think that schema helps with the understanding of text in any book.
Schema will help by back ground knowledge because you can connect and vaizulize what your thinking. Like when you read your book club you can read and would be like, Hey I've done that or thats happen before. When you do this your using Schema. Also read a book like nuglier vision you have nothing to connect or know whatit is talking about.I don't even know what that is. So Schema helps in many ways.
Schema helps with your understanding of text that you read in the classroom or for enjoyment because when you are reading it is like in the same situation it helps you understand for example the charater has to make a chose between one of his two friend's parties and if you don't go to one of your friend's parties they won't be yor friend anymore.You can relate to that because you have been in the same situation before.That is why using sechma helps with your understanding of text whe you are in the classroom or for enjoyment
I think schema will help my understanding and visulalizing. I also think it can help you learn. For example, if your class was learning about kings, and you didnt know what a king was you might not understand.
I agree with WCJ because he really helped me understand it, eaven better then what i already knew.but did you ever think that it might help you know what the characters are thinking just think about that.
What anonmouys said was really good. But did you ever think about that if you have schem you can know a little about what the charaacer is thinking and what he is feeling a little bite better.
When I read I am positive schema is helpful when reading because it helps you understand the book. One of the ways you can use schema to understand a book is when reading a book about a musium. To understand the setting he/she is in you have to have been to a musium to understand what it looks like, what kind of exibits might be there, and what it feels like. I you didn't have any schema about being in a musium you would find it hard to understand the book. To be able to understand the book you should be able to connect to it. For example if the character got scared because of the enourmous T-Rex you could connect to it and maybe understand how silly and embarresed you and the character felt. This is one of the ways schema helps you to enjoy the book. If every one didn't have schema you wouldn't ever understand a thing about the book. with schema you can visualize all sorts of things. It also gives you a couple hunches that get you more excited about the book.If you're excited about the book it allows you to want to read even more exciting books. In these ways it helps you to understand but really enjoy the book you're reading.
Hey, erm5! i totally agree with you. it is true that you'd be able to connect to your real life in so many ways. i do think you could explain a little better, though. like instead of saying "if i was reading a book about dogs," you could give an example of a connection in the book you are reading.
I am happy and very proud of the comments I have read so far. It is quite obvious that this 5th grade class is truly understanding the importance of using schema while reading. I think your answers honestly prove that this strategy is an effective way to gain a better understanding of text. Keep up the good work!
I think schema is background knowledge. It will help you understand a book better or just to understand it more.For example, since we are learning about the Revolution War. Britsh is like a adult who doesn't want to give their teenager freedom.The colonies is the teenager asking for freedom.
Hey nlb5, Great answer! If I don't know what a aurther was talking about it will be hard for me too! If i don't understand I would ask qustions too! Great Job!! :-)
I agree with what you said about visualizing with your 3 dogs. I have 2 dogs as well and I love them! On time when my teacher last year, read my class a book about a dog and about how the dog found a home. the dog was a stray just like one of my dogs, his Name is Rosco. when the boy in the story found the dog it reminded me about when I found my dog! you also menchened asking qweschens like in Sammy Keyes I aksed a qweschen about the police man not likeing Sammy. have you thought about being able to conect?
I think schema would help you understand a book because, if you can relate to the things you've read like the characters, settings, or even the things characters say in your book, you can understand what your reading! When you visualize a part in your book, you can not only understand what their talking about, but visualize the story. This can help you become a better reader, and make it a alot easier to understand what the book is trying to tell you.
wow, what a great way to use schema! but not everybody has a pound but I know everyone has seen some kind of forest so they could use their backround knolage to see a forest, in a book like, Ida B or The Giving tree... useing schema is not only remembering what somthing looks like it can also help you remember a sichuwation you were in that was similar to what you read in your book, thats called conecting!
I've read many of the coments and I have enjoyed reading them but people are many thinking that schema is just helping you to visualize but its not just that its helping you to see in your mind what the carictor might be seeing. Or to get a mental pitcher of what the setting is. another way to use schema is to conect. you can conect to many things like to other books or storys, things that are happening in the world, or things that happened to you. but were do we get all this schema this backround knolage? we get it from the radio, the internet, TV, you can even get backround knolage in CDs! now theres an example of when you can use schema. Schema does not only help you in books it helps you to relate to somting by using your backround knolage. The other day my mom and my 2 brothers were watching some adoption storys on TV and it showed how some familys were going through the process of adopting and doing all the paper work, and it reminded me of all the paper worck my parents did because we are adopting to so I used my schema to conect to the TV show. I even read a book once about adoption and that is also my sceama! useing schema can help you to do somthing as simpal as choose a book at the library because if you have just read a sertant book your probly wont go and get it because you remember that you just read it! you can also use schema to deside if you like somthing or not! For example your favorite color if you see a color alot you might come to like it! you can use schema to diside if you dont like somthing, One time when that happened to me was when I saw a scary movie and it happened to be about a astronot and now I dont like it when astronots go up into space because every time I thinck of an astronot I thinck of that movie! so I might not want to read a book about astronots as much as a mystery book or somthing.
TRP5 thats a good conection you could have to a story! but did you thinck of being able to conect and vishulize at the same time? so if remembered I was jumping in the pool for the first time, I would thinck that it was my little blow up pool with pink and orange fish on it, and grass flowting arownd in the water. so theres a vishulization. but if you conect to the story say that the carecter jumped into a little blow up pool with cold hose water. Then I could conect to that because of the little blow up pool. so if you mix 2 of your metucognitave skills that its even easyer to use schema!
Last year my teacher read us the book A Wrinkle In Time. The main character, Meg, had shortish hair and glasses. I have glasses and once had shorish hair. I used my schema to picture Meg. If I had never seen glasses or shotish hair, I could not picture Meg. Schema helped me picture Meg.
I think atf5's answer was great because schema also helps me understand a book better too. Also I can relate to not ucing schema and try to understand a character will be hard to find out what the character is like. I can relate to the pond because i have a pond behind my big woods in my back yard.
Atf5 your comment is good, but how does it help for other books or text books, and how did having a pond in your back yard help you understand the book?
I think that schema helps you read a text better because you can visualize and connect with the author and characters and compare events with your own personal experiences.
I think ame5 has a great answer because it does help you understand the book better by making connections and visulizing to know what the story is about. You had an awsome answer ame5
wow what a great coment! I really enjoyed reding it. I'm reading A Wrinckle in Time too! I don't have glasses or short hair but I used to have short hair and my mom has glasses even thogh she ushaly wheres contacts. Another place I have seen glasses is at school. thats a great way to use schema but did you ever thinck of relaiting to the carecters feelings insted of just pichering the carecter.
Schema is background knowledge you already have.It is like the raindrop under the umbrella of metacognition. Schema helps you comprehend what you read.If you have been to the setting of the book it would help you because you would know what it looks like,and that is schema.
Hey hrm5 I can connect to that! my dog ran away to! So you can connect and you know how the boy feels because your dog ran away to. Cool. And yeah I love my dogs to.
It would help me understand what I'm reading better. It would also help me picture what's happening in the book better! Because if you didn't use schema you wouldn't be able to picture what's going on in the book or know what's going on.
I can connect!!:-)I have a dog too, and when I read dog books I can connect to my dog too! Like what he play's with, and how he acts. I can connect those to text to self.
agc5, You are totally right. I wouldn't be able to relate to that book because that has never happened to me. So I probably wouldn't be able to understand that book as well as you. I also wouldn't be able to visualize what she saw, or know what she felt like because I have no schema on that subject. Sometimes the author will explian enough for you to understand a little bit, but you won't reallly get what's happening.
clf5, I totally agree with you. Schema also helped me when I was reading a book called THE CITY OF EMBER. I really don't like the dark so I try to avoid it but sometimes darkness sneaks up on me and theres nothing I could do about it. In the book THE CITY OF EMBER it was almost completly dark all the time. As I was reading this book shema helped me connect to the townspeople who had to put up with the darkness. I would be annoyed that it was practically dark all the time. Plus with the help of my schema I was able to visuilize what the city looked like. I could imagine a few lights and the rest darkness. As you can see schema helps a lot more people than you think with reading.
It helps by. say like a question pops up in your head saying.I wounder if Josh gets his dog back,Smelly.The way thats helps is like when you read on it answer your queston.
i think using schma would help me understand the book better then not using schma at all because like if the character is at a pond i would be able to picture the pond because i have one behind my house
How it will help is that when you use your schema it helps by visualising. How it helps by visualizing is that when you visualize you get an idea of what is happening in the book. Another way that schema will help you is by connections. How that will help you is that you know the feeling of the person in the book because is has happened to you.
Schema will help you with reading text because it helps you visualise what your reading, say you read a book about the charecter jumping in the pool for his first time, well remembering your first time jumping in a pool would help you visualize what your reading and describe what your reading.
Schema will help you with reading text because it helps you visualise what your reading, say you read a book about the charecter jumping in the pool for his first time, well remembering your first time jumping in a pool would help you visualize what your reading and describe what your reading.
It helps me because i'm reading the book called Love That Dog and it helps me because it's like a poem and it changes every time and the boy loves playing with his dog because he discribes like your actully their and it discribes what he looks like, what he smells like,and what he feels like and it always reminds me of my dogs and what they do.
Schema helps you with uderstanding because you can relate some how. You might have done that samething or have a connection and even MORE! Having schema can be very helpful when it comes to reading.
It will help you by not only understanding the text better, but you can relate to the characters too. like in my book club i am reading Mixed-Up Files, i realated to the characters better when they were on the bus because i ride the bus so i know what it is like. also you can evven connect the the setting, like if you have been there or heard about theat. thea is how schema helps you in your reading anywere.
Schema helps me to understand my reading because i can comprehind and relate to what is happeing while i read my book. Ithelps me with my metacognition. so when i resd something in my book i can connect and remember when it happened to me or someone i know.
Using schema can help you in many ways,but it all depends on how you can relate to it. If you've experienced something that the character has, you know how they feel, which helps you understand better because you can relate to it. If you were to have no idea what the author was talking about though, you wouldn't easily understand.
You can also ask questions, and if you don't know much about the book, they won't be easy to ansmer. I mean, if you don't understand what you're reading, why would you want to read it?
So that is why having background knowledge is important.
how schema will help you in your reading is you will be able visualize the scenery and what is hapining in the story.it will also help you because because the story would be less confusing because understand more of the story. you could also predict the story eisier because you would have some back round knoledge.
I think schema will help me in visualizing alot because visualizing is the only one I have trouble with because when I use schema. I get most of the other ones done faster and I don't get pictures in my head easliy. It also helps me read Niagara Falls or Does It? Because I get stuck on words I try to get a picture in my head to understand and get pass all the words I get stuck on.
Schema will help you visualize, ask questions and connect to the book. For example I have 3 dogs so if I was to read a book about dogs I would be able to connect to the book. In other words I would have some backgound knowledge.
Schema is importan because if you can connect to what is going on you well understand it better. Like when we read bookclup I can ask questions,infering,inportanec, and connecting. These will help me so when i go read I can understand how he/her is feeling or what is going on!!!
It helps me because I can picture what the book wants me to picture. It reminds me of sometimes that mite relate to the book. Because like say in the book said someone is wearing a witch costume and you mite have worn a witch costume for halloween and it would relate to the book.
how does schema help is , you can remeber things good and you make connections inferre and ask quetions and you'll say these things like I know I remeber and I have a connection
I think schema will help you in all of your subjects ,becase when you come upon something why your reading,that you have heard of or something you rember or something you know about already.you also colud have a conniection to.you should try to use schema alot ,because it will help you alot .Rember you always can write or jot stuff down that you like or rember . just rember sujutions down.so use schema .I promise it will help you alot in every suject.
Schema helps us read by helping us think or connect to the book that they are reading . It also helps people visualize what happened in their life and what is happenning in their book aswell.
I think using schema will help you understand the text, and what your reading because it helps you make the book more understanding to the reader. Also it helps you to feel like your in the boo, and you've been in the same problem. A 3rd reason why schema can help you is it gives you background knowleged, and also schma can help you visulize what's going on. The 4th reason why schema is so important because it can help you question of what your reading, and if your trying to answer a question, also it can help you if you don't understand the qestion. Finnaly, schema is important bexause it helps a lot for you to know what the book is about.
Schema is important because it will help you with understanding what you are reading. It could also help you with your metacognative strategies, because if you are reading a book about baseball and you have played baseball before you have some background knowledge about baseball already, and you could have connections to the book, and you could also predict what's going to happen, you can visualize what is happening, and you can infer what the character is thinking. That is why schema is important.
I think schema helps me visualize. So I can remember really nice things that happened to me and it is a great way to enjoy a book and swim in a sea of memorys. Like when I think of flowers I remeber the wedding flowers my mom used.
Schema helps me to conect and visualize tings in a story. I can use schema to conect to Sammys friend Marissa in the book Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Theif, Marissas little brother ran away from her in the mall. Marissa got really woried! I've never lost my brothers because I only babysit at home but if nolan or lucas ran away I would be woried! It helps me to understand how Marissa felt, because when you babysit your responsible for what happens.
I also can use schema in the book im reading for my newberry award book report its called A Wrinkle In Time, Charles Walles was explaining to meg what a tessract is.he said the first demention was a line. when he said that I remembered the GEO Dictionary that we did at school so with that it was easyer to understand what he was talking about.I got a picher in my head of a line from my GEO Dictionary. (he explained further)
so schema helped me twice to conect, understand, and visulize.
After reading these answers about schema, I really think that our class is using their metacognitive strategies to their fullest. I am very proud that they are able to express their thinking so clearly.
Say you read Old Yeller and at the end of that book they haveto shoot there dog you could relate to that by going back and thinking have one of your dogs died before if so you good know how that family felt so thats why knowing schema will help feelings and ajoyment
schema is your backround or prior knowledge so if you were reading a book about someones first time of shoting a gun and you havent had that experience or feeling you know what it felt like he did or someone feltbad because they hit their brother or sister because u didnt have that feeling or experence
Well I think schema helps me because if I read a book and it says"it's my first day I'm scared".Then I would know how they feel because I use my schema.And thats what I think schema.
Schema helps me connect to the book when i know how they feel or what they have just done, like in the book that i am reading LOSER i can connect to the kid that they all call a loser.
I can connect because i have read another book just like that,it has a kid that has the same problem.
schema helps me alot
when I hear the word schema I think about backround knolege on a book or movie for example in my book Julie Of The Wolves it is about a girl who ran a way from her home in Sanfrancisco and went to Alaska in serch of a pen pal instead of finding her way she gets lost in the woods of Alaska whith no food no cumpas just her and her serviving skill she was tought by her family. soon she finds herself exepted by a pack of wolves. This is a very hard book for me to understand because I have never been to Alaska, exepted by a pack of wolves, or ran a way frome home that is what scema means to me.
If you don't have backgrond knowledge or schema then you will have trouble with visualzing, questions,tnferring,predicting and connecting.But if you do have backgouround knowalge you would not have as many question because schema helps you on visulazing,question,predicting,inferring and connecting
Schema is background knowledge. have you ever read a book and say in your mind;"hey, I've felt that emotion before."? or maybe "hey, I've been lost before too. It was at... That's background knowledge. You've felt that or seen that or been there or maybe even that's happened to you before. If you can relate to that or make a connection then you have background knowledge or schema!
We need schema or we would not have any bakeground knowlege. Say you were reading a book about someone getting lost, but you never got lost. It would be hard to use meiadicogntive thinking. Say you read this book but you had schema of being lost. Then you can use meiadicognitive thinking easy.
Schema can help you with text because if your reading a book that reminds you of something you can relate to it will help you read better because you could probably vizualize it and know what it looks like. For example, if your book is talking about seeing a funny movie at the movie theater then if you use your schema you could maybe connect to a time when you saw a funny movie and you could picture it in your head what it looks like. So schema will effect your reading so you can vizualize it and you will probably understand it better.
Using schema will help you understand what you read because schema is you background knowledge. For example, in my book club book the kids in the story are going to a museum. I have schema about that because when I went to Washington D.C. I wnt to a lot of museums. Because of that I know what it is like to walk from room to room and how you have to act. If you don't have schema about what you read then you aren't going to know much about whatis happening in the story.
Schema is like connecting. If you are reading a book about two kids who go to the movies and you say you can connect to that because you have been to the movies before then you have schema about the movies. That is why schema will help you understand what is happening and you can relate to it.
Useing schema helpes by having good background knowledge. So you relate to your book or understand your text books, so you know what is going on in books that you read. Like in my book club book we are reading Loser, the first chapters are about hi first day of first grade, so if you have never been to first to first grade you can not relate to it that is how useing schema helps me.
Having schema, or background knowledge, can help you relate to a book because you can visualize what is happening, or predict what is going to happen next if it has happened to you before, or you have read a book on that subject, or read another book by that author before. For example, I am reading a book called Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry,and it is about a colored family who is mistreated, and I have read another book on the same subject, so I can understand what is going on and predict what is going to happen next in my book better because I have schema on that subject, it also makes it easier to comprehend. Also, if someone were to ask me questions about that subject I would have enough schema to tell them all about that subject so that they can understand what happens, or happened. That is how schema can help you, and make it easier to read.
Hey, ast5 I thout your awnser was realy good. But have you ever thout of an example? You must have an example like a text to text connection,text to world, and text to self. If you dont your awnser was realy awsome!!
Hi, j.m.h.5, That was a cool awnser only cant you use schema for something els like asking questions and predicting? Other than that your connection was realy good!!
To me reading without schema is the most boring thing in the world. Who wants to read a book they can't relate too or understand? For example, in the book The Power of Un by Nancy Etchemendy Gib Finney has an annoying little sister named Roxey.If someone is an only child reading this book they might not understand the feeling of haveing a little brother or sister pester them.they woulden't be abl to relate, connect, infer, predict, determin importance, or even visualiz how Gib feels. If someone does have a younger brother/sister they would have some background knoledge (schema). They would know how to relate to Gib.They would be using their schema to understand the text.That is how important schema is for something as little as an older brother irritated with a younger sister.
For anouther example,In History Alive! It tells the reader all about America's history. If people reding this text book don't have the least bit of schema about America's hitory they won't have an idea of what they're reading and will have a hard time learning. Someone who dose know a little bit of America's past will have the background knoledge the need to understand this text book.As you see schema is very, very, very impotant when it comes to reading.
after reading thesse ansers they are awssome people are using decriptive deatils so that helps under stand the schema better
The way schema would help with understanding of text is that if you have schema you can personally connectto the book,for example in the book A Wrinkle In Time it helped me to connect to when Meg was in the dark chamber with her father and she could not see anything. The way I could connect to that was when I had once woken up in the middle of the night and I wasn't able to see anything. Schema helped me to personally visualize and connect to that point in the book. But, if I hadn't of had that background knowledge I wouldn't of been able to visualize or connect to that part in the book because I wouldn't of understood how Meg felt or what it would of looked like. So being able to connect to that helped me get better at using my schema more and more because now when I read over something I can connect to a lightbulb goes off in my head saying "I can connect to that" Or while I'm reading I will start to visualize it when it happened to me. So, that is how I think that schema helps with the understanding of text in any book.
Schema will help by back ground knowledge because you can connect and vaizulize what your thinking. Like when you read your book club you can read and would be like, Hey I've done that or thats happen before. When you do this your using Schema. Also read a book like nuglier vision you have nothing to connect or know whatit is talking about.I don't even know what that is. So Schema helps in many ways.
Schema helps with your understanding of text that you read in the classroom or for enjoyment because when you are reading it is like in the same situation it helps you understand for example the charater has to make a chose between one of his two friend's parties and if you don't go to one of your friend's parties they won't be yor friend anymore.You can relate to that because you have been in the same situation before.That is why using sechma helps with your understanding of text whe you are in the classroom or for enjoyment
I think schema will help my understanding and visulalizing. I also think it can help you learn. For example, if your class was learning about kings, and you didnt know what a king was you might not understand.
I agree with WCJ because he really helped me understand it, eaven better then what i already knew.but did you ever think that it might help you know what the characters are thinking just think about that.
What anonmouys said was really good. But did you ever think about that if you have schem you can know a little about what the charaacer is thinking and what he is feeling a little bite better.
When I read I am positive schema is helpful when reading because it helps you understand the book. One of the ways you can use schema to understand a book is when reading a book about a musium. To understand the setting he/she is in you have to have been to a musium to understand what it looks like, what kind of exibits might be there, and what it feels like. I you didn't have any schema about being in a musium you would find it hard to understand the book. To be able to understand the book you should be able to connect to it. For example if the character got scared because of the enourmous T-Rex you could connect to it and maybe understand how silly and embarresed you and the character felt. This is one of the ways schema helps you to enjoy the book. If every one didn't have schema you wouldn't ever understand a thing about the book. with schema you can visualize all sorts of things. It also gives you a couple hunches that get you more excited about the book.If you're excited about the book it allows you to want to read even more exciting books. In these ways it helps you to understand but really enjoy the book you're reading.
Hey, erm5! i totally agree with you. it is true that you'd be able to connect to your real life in so many ways. i do think you could explain a little better, though. like instead of saying "if i was reading a book about dogs," you could give an example of a connection in the book you are reading.
I am happy and very proud of the comments I have read so far. It is quite obvious that this 5th grade class is truly understanding the importance of using schema while reading. I think your answers honestly prove that this strategy is an effective way to gain a better understanding of text. Keep up the good work!
Hey erm5, I really agree with you but don't you think that schema could also help you with innfering? Other than that great answer!
I think schema is background knowledge. It will help you understand a book better or just to understand it more.For example, since we are learning about the Revolution War. Britsh is like a adult who doesn't want to give their teenager freedom.The colonies is the teenager asking for freedom.
Hey nlb5, Great answer! If I don't know what a aurther was talking about it will be hard for me too! If i don't understand I would ask qustions too! Great Job!! :-)
Yeah imh5 Infering could help me with schema.Thanks for reminding me!!
I agree with what you said about visualizing with your 3 dogs.
I have 2 dogs as well and I love them! On time when my teacher last year, read my class a book about a dog and about how the dog found a home. the dog was a stray just like one of my dogs, his Name is Rosco. when the boy in the story found the dog it reminded me about when I found my dog!
you also menchened asking qweschens like in Sammy Keyes I aksed a qweschen about the police man not likeing Sammy. have you thought about being able to conect?
I think schema would help you understand a book because, if you can relate to the things you've read like the characters, settings, or even the things characters say in your book, you can understand what your reading! When you visualize a part in your book, you can not only understand what their talking about, but visualize the story. This can help you become a better reader, and make it a alot easier to understand what the book is trying to tell you.
wow, what a great way to use schema!
but not everybody has a pound but I know everyone has seen some kind of forest so they could use their backround knolage to see a forest, in a book like, Ida B or The Giving tree... useing schema is not only remembering what somthing looks like
it can also help you remember a sichuwation you were in that was similar to what you read in your book, thats called conecting!
I've read many of the coments and I have enjoyed reading them but people are many thinking that schema is just helping you to visualize but its not just that its helping you to see in your mind what the carictor might be seeing. Or to get a mental pitcher of what the setting is. another way to use schema is to conect. you can conect to many things like to other books or storys, things that are happening in the world, or things that happened to you. but were do we get all this schema this backround knolage? we get it from the radio, the internet, TV, you can even get backround knolage in CDs! now theres an example of when you can use schema. Schema does not only help you in books it helps you to relate to somting by using your backround knolage. The other day my mom and my 2 brothers were watching some adoption storys on TV and it showed how some familys were going through the process of adopting and doing all the paper work, and it reminded me of all the paper worck my parents did because we are adopting to so I used my schema to conect to the TV show. I even read a book once about adoption and that is also my sceama!
useing schema can help you to do somthing as simpal as choose a book at the library because if you have just read a sertant book your probly wont go and get it because you remember that you just read it!
you can also use schema to deside if you like somthing or not! For example your favorite color if you see a color alot you might come to like it! you can use schema to diside if you dont like somthing, One time when that happened to me was when I saw a scary movie and it happened to be about a astronot and now I dont like it when astronots go up into space because every time I thinck of an astronot I thinck of that movie! so I might not want to read a book about astronots as much as a mystery book or somthing.
TRP5 thats a good conection you could have to a story! but did you thinck of being able to conect and vishulize at the same time? so if remembered I was jumping in the pool for the first time, I would thinck that it was my little blow up pool with pink and orange fish on it, and grass flowting arownd in the water. so theres a vishulization. but if you conect to the story say that the carecter jumped into a little blow up pool with cold hose water. Then I could conect to that because of the little blow up pool. so if you mix 2 of your metucognitave skills that its even easyer to use schema!
Last year my teacher read us the book A Wrinkle In Time. The main character, Meg, had shortish hair and glasses. I have glasses and once had shorish hair. I used my schema to picture Meg. If I had never seen glasses or shotish hair, I could not picture Meg. Schema helped me picture Meg.
I think atf5's answer was great because schema also helps me understand a book better too. Also I can relate to not ucing schema and try to understand a character will be hard to find out what the character is like. I can relate to the pond because i have a pond behind my big woods in my back yard.
If I was reading a war book and I've seen war movies I could hear the gunshots and see the picture the author is creating.
Atf5 your comment is good, but how does it help for other books or text books, and how did having a pond in your back yard help you understand the book?
I think that schema helps you read a text better because you can visualize and connect with the author and characters and compare events with your own personal experiences.
I think ame5 has a great answer because it does help you understand the book better by making connections and visulizing to know what the story is about. You had an awsome answer ame5
wow what a great coment! I really enjoyed reding it. I'm reading A Wrinckle in Time too! I don't have glasses or short hair but I used to have short hair and my mom has glasses even thogh she ushaly wheres contacts. Another place I have seen glasses is at school.
thats a great way to use schema but did you ever thinck of relaiting to the carecters feelings insted of just pichering the carecter.
Schema is background knowledge you already have.It is like the raindrop under the umbrella of metacognition. Schema helps you comprehend what you read.If you have been to the setting of the book it would help you because you would know what it looks like,and that is schema.
Hey hrm5 I can connect to that! my dog ran away to! So you can connect
and you know how the boy feels because your dog ran away to. Cool. And yeah I love my dogs to.
It would help me understand what I'm reading better. It would also help me picture what's happening in the book better! Because if you didn't use schema you wouldn't be able to picture what's going on in the book or know what's going on.
I can connect!!:-)I have a dog too, and when I read dog books I can connect to my dog too! Like what he play's with, and how he acts. I can connect those to text to self.
agc5, You are totally right. I wouldn't be able to relate to that book because that has never happened to me. So I probably wouldn't be able to understand that book as well as you. I also wouldn't be able to visualize what she saw, or know what she felt like because I have no schema on that subject. Sometimes the author will explian enough for you to understand a little bit, but you won't reallly get what's happening.
clf5, I totally agree with you. Schema also helped me when I was reading a book called THE CITY OF EMBER. I really don't like the dark so I try to avoid it but sometimes darkness sneaks up on me and theres nothing I could do about it. In the book THE CITY OF EMBER it was almost completly dark all the time. As I was reading this book shema helped me connect to the townspeople who had to put up with the darkness. I would be annoyed that it was practically dark all the time. Plus with the help of my schema I was able to visuilize what the city looked like. I could imagine a few lights and the rest darkness. As you can see schema helps a lot more people than you think with reading.
It helps by. say like a question pops up in your head saying.I wounder if Josh gets his dog back,Smelly.The way thats helps is like when you read on it answer your queston.
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